604-536-2050 doctor@spectrumoptometry.com Tue - Fri: 9am-5:30pm Sat: 9am - 4pm

Contact Lens New Fit & Training

If you are interested in trying contact lenses for the first time, you will need a recent eye exam to ensure your eyes are healthy enough to wear contact lenses. That exam also gives the power of your eyes which is a starting point to determining your contact lens prescription. The doctor will discuss how often you want to wear contact lenses and what you can expect to achieve visually. Some contact lenses are worn for a day and then discarded. Other lenses are used for the day, cleaned and stored overnight and then worn again for up to a month. Some contact lenses allow lots of oxygen through the lens so you can wear it all waking hours of the day, other lenses need to be removed for 2 hours a day while you are awake. Some contact lenses block UV light which helps your eyes stay healthy. Other lenses correct astigmatism or are bifocal lenses.

Next, you can book a new fit and training session with our licensed contact lens fitter. At that time, you will be taught how to insert and remove contact lenses properly. You will practice the technique in the clinic. You will be taught how to properly clean and care for your contact lenses. The contact lens fitter will evaluate how the lenses fit on your eyes and your vision through the lenses. You will be given lenses and cleaning solution to take home so that you can try the lenses until the follow-up visit. Sometimes changes are made to improve the vision or comfort of your contact lenses. You will have at least one follow-up visit to ensure that the contact lenses are working properly before you are given a final prescription for your contact lenses.

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