604-536-2050 doctor@spectrumoptometry.com Tue - Fri: 9am-5:30pm Sat: 9am - 4pm

Eye Health Examinations

Our optometrist spends time with you to do an assessment of your ability to see and to take measurements for corrective lenses (Spectacles or Contact Lenses) to improve the quality of your vision. They will evaluate your Binocular Vision (which is how your two eyes work together) and the functioning of your Eye Muscles. Pupil Reflexes are assessed to check for neurological damage.

Our doctors evaluate the health in all aspects of your eyes. The front of the eye is checked for conditions including Dry Eye, Infections and damage from contact lens wear. The middle of the eye is where Cataracts develop and this can happen at any age. Cataracts can be caused by trauma or diabetes, while some children are born with cataracts. In the back of the eye, blood vessels and nerves are visible allowing your doctor to check for signs of Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Macular Degeneration, Retinal Detachments and many other conditions. Testing for Glaucoma is a routine part of eye examinations because most types of Glaucoma have no symptoms until you have lost well over half of your vision.

Visual field testing is available to monitor Glaucoma and some Brain Tumours or Head Injuries. This test is done using a computer to measure how well the optic nerve carries visual information from your eye to the brain.

SPECTRUM Optometry uses Optical Coherence Tomography scans (OCT scans) to noninvasively image the inside of your eye. We use OCT scans as a routine part of adult eye exams as it can detect many diseases such as Glaucoma, Macular Degeneration, Diabetes, Macular Holes, Retinal Swelling or Wrinkles and even some Cancers of the eye.

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