604-536-2050 doctor@spectrumoptometry.com Tue - Fri: 9am-5:30pm Sat: 9am - 4pm

Dry Eye Therapy

For too many people, dry eye is a daily struggle.  Itchy burning eyes because your body no longer has the ability to create tears and lubricate the surface of the eye ball.  Continually applying artificial tears just to create a short periods of relief. 

Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) is when the gland fills with fluid and cannot get out.  An estimated 35.8% of the people in the world have MGD.  

SPECTRUM Optometry offers some patients relief with our Dry Eye Therapy.  A series of treatments where heat is applied to the eye lids.  Gentle massage with the assistance of a trained therapist.  Re-opening the gland ducts and releasing the trapped fluid.  

This treatment is recommended for early to moderate dry eye patients.  Proper eye lid hygiene, regular warm compressing along with vitamin supplements may restore your meibomian glands back to normal function.

Dry Eye patients are connected with a Dry Eye Coach to perform regular checkups to encourage and monitor their progress.  This one on one time can be performed in office or over a telephone consultation.  Understanding dry eye and having proactive maintenance can greatly reduce the discomfort if left unattended.

Interested in knowing more about our Dry Eye Therapy.  Book an appointment with one of our doctors and lets see if this is a good option for you.


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